WebCert Root CA Certificate Information
Version: 3
Subject: C=JP, ST=Tokyo, L=Setagaya-ku, O=FM4DD, OU=WebCert Support, CN=FM4DD Web CA, emailAddress=support@frank4dd.com
Serial: 9A9CF977C68BA000
Issuer: C=JP, ST=Tokyo, L=Setagaya-ku, O=FM4DD, OU=WebCert Support, CN=FM4DD Web CA/emailAddress=support@frank4dd.com
Thumbprint: SHA256: 9e 55 f0 d4 67 0b 38 57 ef d4 d3 bc 02 70 34 f2 a9 59 f1 0d 92 57 c3 d9 71 e8 37 ce 08 e5 f4 a6
Validity: Start Date: Feb 1 07:00:28 2016 GMT   End Date: Feb 1 07:00:28 2026 GMT
Extensions: 3 Extensions Expand or Hide Extension Details
Public Key: 4096 bit RSA Key Expand or Hide Public Key Data
Signature: sha512WithRSAEncryption, Length: 512 Bytes Expand or Hide Signature Data
Cert Data: Length: 2151 Bytes Expand or Hide Certificate PEM Data
Cert Text: Expand/Hide certificate data in Text format

Retired WebCert Root CA certificates:

2007-12-07 1024 bit RSA WebCert Root CA certificate with SHA-1 signature: webcert-20071207_1021.pem

2004-12-18 1024 bit RSA WebCert Root CA certificate with MD5 signature: webcert-20041218_0138.pem

CA Certificate Revocation List:

Certificate Revocation List Information
Location: https://webcert.fm4dd.com/webcert.crl
File Size: 2128 Bytes
Version: 2 (0x1)
Issuer: C = JP, ST = Tokyo, L = Setagaya-ku, O = FM4DD, OU = WebCert Support, CN = FM4DD Web CA, emailAddress = support@frank4dd.com
Last Update: Sep 30 20:00:02 2024 GMT
Next Update: Dec 29 20:00:02 2024 GMT
Extensions: 1 Extensions Expand or Hide Extension Details
Signature: sha256WithRSAEncryption, Length: 512 Bytes Expand or Hide Signature Data
# Revoked Certs: 22


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